Home Crystals Raw and Polished Crystals (Medium and Large)

Natural Celestite Crystal Piece (P)

NZ $25.00 incl GST

approx 5.5cms x 5.2cms

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Raw and Polished Crystals (Medium and Large)


As a stone of heavenly communication, Celestite is ideal for quickly connecting with angelic presence and for calling in one’s guardian angels. Utilize it to seek Divine guidance, protection or healing, or to communicate with loved ones on the other side to receive their guidance. [Simmons, 101][Ahsian, 102][Melody, 188][Lembo, 118]

Place a cluster of blue Celestite in any area that has become stagnant with emotional energy or negativity to gently cleanse the environment and fill with positive energy. It is ideal for the bedroom or meditation space to calm racing thoughts and invite a sense of tranquility. Keep in the workplace to combat stress and intimidation, and place in healing rooms to attract angelic energies and purify the space. [Ahsian, 102][Eason, 245][Lembo, 119]

Blue Celestite is a perfect support stone for dispelling worries and fears, suspicions, or paranoia, helping one to feel safe and protected.
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